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Hp Unix Patch Download

To be sure that your HP-UX system is reliable and secure:

Hewlett-Packard provides several methods to patch HP-UX systems. You can use SWA to download any recommended patches or patch bundles and create a depot ready for. Patches: HP-UX; Patches: OpenVMS, Tru64 UNIX, and MPE/iX; Home > Patch management > Patches: HP-UX. Download individual HP-UX 11i v2 patches. Hewlett-Packard provides several methods to patch HP-UX systems. You can use SWA to download any recommended patches or patch bundles and create a. Downloading all patches using the HP-UX Patch Downloader. Use this procedure to download all patches using the HP-UX Patch Downloader.

  • Install the latest quality pack patch bundles delivered on the support plus release. These bundles are released regularly and provide the most reliable and thoroughly tested set of patches. If there are recommended additional patches that address warnings against patches in the bundle, be sure to include them as well.
  • Run a patch assessment to identify:

    • Appropriate security patches
    • Patches for subsystems or applications not covered by the quality pack patch bundles
    • Replacements for installed patches with critical warnings

    Running a patch assessment ensures that your system has the currently recommended configuration.

  • Subscribe to the appropriate support information digests to stay informed of new patches as they become available.

Standard HP-UX Patch Bundles

The web pages for each release provide information and download instructions for the following patch bundles:

Bundle nameDescription

Updated as needed to support new or updated software features in HP-UX 11i V2 and V3 media releases. Consists of patches required for product enablement and core defect fixes exposed by new product features.

HP-UX 11i V2 and V3 Application Software media and the OE Update media include the FEATURE11i patch bundle with the required patches for software products in each release.

Hardware Enablement (HWE)Updated as needed to support new hardware.
Quality Pack (QPK)

Provides defect-fix patches for proactive maintenance.

Updated twice a year:

  • HP-UX 11i V1 and V2: June, December
  • HP-UX 11i V3, March, September
New patches that address:...are added to this bundle:
Hardware enablement onlyHWE only
Defect fixes only

QPK only

Both hardware enablement

and defect fixes

both the QPK and HWE

As a result, you may find different versions of patches (older or newer) in the HWE or QPK bundles for a given version of HP-UX.

Bundle Information

The Standard HP-UX Patch Bundles pages provide information and installation instructions for the following patch bundles:

Bundle nameDescription
BUNDLE11iRequired kernel header files and cold install/update patches for all HP-UX 11i Version 1 workstations and servers
HWEProvides the minimal number of patches to support new and legacy hardware for each HP-UX 11i version
QPKIncludes all stable defect-fix patches for HP-UX core, graphics, key networking drivers, and applications supported on HP-UX 11i OE update releases. HPE thoroughly tests each Quality Pack bundle with the same tests as a new HP-UX OS release.
Support Pack media for HP-UX 11i Version 2

Since June 2008, HPE has delivered QPK patch bundles for HP-UX 11i Version 2 (B.11.23) on new Support Pack media. The new media includes the OnlineDiag and SysFaultMgt bundles for diagnostics support, and the Software Pack bundles that provide optional core enhancements for HP-UX 11i v2.

The HPE Support Center page for each 11.23 Support Pack release has links to the latest patch bundles and to a 'read before installing' document.

Run a patch assessment

Run a patch assessment to ensure that your system has a consistent and recent collection of patches. You need:

  • A system configuration file, which specifies what software, including patches and patch bundles are currently installed.
  • An assessment profile, which contains the rules to determine which patches and patch bundles are appropriate for your system.
Specify your system configuration

Use the swainv command on the target system to generate the ASCII text file that primarily contains the output of the HP-UX command 'swlist'. This file is then uploaded into the patch application in preparation for running an assessment.

To specify your system configuration, select the link 'upload new system information' on the Run a patch assessment page.

Specify the assessment profile appropriate for the uploaded system

The assessment profile controls the behavior of patch assessment.

Select the default profile (hpRecommended) to:

  • Identify security patches.
  • Identify patches to replace installed patches that have critical warnings.
  • Detect whether your system has the latest recommended quality pack patch bundle(s) installed.

You can also create a custom profile.

Run the assessment

Select the system to assess and the assessment profile to use, then click 'Display candidate patches'. Shortly, a patch assessment results page is displayed.

DownloadReview the results of the assessment

The result is a list of patch related issues, presented depending on the assessment profile. Patches or patch bundles that address an identified issue are listed as recommended. Some issues may not have a recommendation.

To generate a more detailed, text-only assessment report, ideal for archiving or emailing, use the 'Show detailed assessment report' link near the top of the results page. This report captures system characteristics, the assessment profile, which patches or bundles each chosen analyzer recommends, and a summary with detailed information about the recommended patches.

Review all recommended items. Take special care to review any recommended patches that have a warning or special installation instructions.

Take delivery of the recommended items

From the assessment results page, deselect any recommended item that is not appropriate for your system. Press the 'Add to My Patch List' button to add all selected items to your selected patch list.

Press the 'Download Selected' button to take delivery of the patches. From the download patches page, you may select from a variety of formats including tar, zip, gzip.

Configure an assessment profile

The assessment profile allows you to customize the behavior of the patch assessment tool. Adjust the profile to indicate which types of issue to identify, which patch sets to validate against, and how risk averse your patch strategy is.

Basic Information

Name and describe your assessment profile. Specify your patch strategy:

Patch strategyDescription
RestrictiveWhen your business needs the most stable, highest rated patches and only patches that must be installed to provide system stability. Patches that meet a restrictive strategy generally are over 120 days old and have a 3-star rating. This option is appropriate if your system is mission critical.
ConservativeWhen you would typically install the 'recommended' version of a patch during proactive patching. This is the strategy specified in the hpRecommended assessment profile.
InnovativeWhen you would typically install the 'most recent' version of a patch during proactive patching. This strategy is likely to suggest patches that have just become available and have a rating of 1 star.

Linux Unix Download

Patch Options

Select patch options as follows:

Patch optionDescription
Security patchesIdentifies which security patches have not yet been installed. Based on your patch strategy, a version of each patch is recommended.
Latest quality pack patch bundleDetermines if the latest recommended QPK patch bundle is installed. If not, its installation will be recommended regardless of your patch strategy.
Replacements for installed patches with critical warningsIdentifies which currently-installed patches have critical warnings. Based on your patch strategy, a newer version of the patch without a warning is recommended if one is available.
Replacements for installed patches with any warningsIdentifies which currently-installed patches have critical or non-critical warnings. Based on your patch strategy, a newer version of the patch without a warning is recommended if one is available.
Critical fixes

Identifies patches that contain critical fixes but are not installed. Choose among these options, depending on your patch strategy:

  • Restrictive - the patch must be rated 3 stars
  • Conservative - the patch must be rated at least 2 stars
  • Innovative - the patch must be rated at least 1 star
Updates for the patches already installedIdentifies currently installed patches that have a newer version available. The newer version must be recommendable based on your patch strategy.
All applicable patches

Identifies all patches that will install, based on your patch strategy:

  • Restrictive - not appropriate
  • Conservative - displays recommended patches only
  • Innovative - displays latest versions of patches
Quality Pack Patch Bundles

Quality pack patch bundles (QPKs) contain stable defect-fix patches for the proactive maintenance of HPE servers and workstations. HPE thoroughly tests each QPK and requires that it pass the same tests as would a new HP-UX operating system release.

  • For HP-UX 11.00, there is a single QPK bundle that includes all stable defect-fix patches for the core OS, graphics and networking drivers.
  • For HP-UX 11i v1 (B.11.11) and HP-UX 11i v2 (B.11.23), there are two QPK bundles: a base bundle that includes all stable defect-fix patches for the core OS, graphics and networking drivers; and an applications bundle that contains all stable defect-fix patches for the Operating Environment (OE) applications.
Request Specific Patches, Patch Chains or Mandatory Patches

Patches or patch chains can be specified as well.

  • List specific patches in the 'add these specific patches' area to specify that the patch assessment tool should identify when the patch is not installed on the system being analyzed. The patch assessment tool will recommend that you install the specific patch. If the patch will not install on the system being analyzed, no recommendation will be made.
  • List specific patches in the 'add these specific patch chains' area to specify that the patch assessment tool should identify when neither the patch nor any of its successors are installed on the system being analyzed. The patch assessment tool will recommend that you install the appropriate version of the patch depending on your patching strategy. If the patch will not install on the system being analyzed, no recommendation will be made.
  • List specific patches in the 'add these mandatory patches -- even if they will not currently install on the system' area to specify that the patch assessment tool should identify when the patch is not installed on the system being analyzed. The patch assessment tool will recommend the specific patch, even if it will not currently install on your system.
Patch Sets

Patch sets identify the appropriate patches for hardware, operating system, and software applications. They are updated weekly by HPE, so contain the current, best known configurations. Patch sets are maintained for restrictive and conservative patch strategies, and can be used to determine if you are properly configured to run the applications installed on your system.

If you specify the 'innovative' patch strategy, the appropriate 'conservative' patch set is used.

Use the application patch set selector to select from the available application patch sets. Be sure to browse within all categories to identify all appropriate sets. For each set, the patch assessment tool verifies that all patches or their successors in the patch set, appropriate for your patching strategy, are installed.

Select:to verify...
Miscellaneous patches for the specific operating system of the system being assessedThat all patches or their successors in the patch set, appropriate for the operating system being analyzed, are installed.
Miscellaneous patches for the specific hardware model of the system being assessedThat all patches or their successors in the patch set, appropriate for the hardware being analyzed, are installed.

Interpret assessment results

The output of a patch assessment contains a list of patch issues identified for the system being analyzed. Which issues are displayed is controlled by the configuration profile as described above.

When possible, for each patch issue shown, a recommendation is made specifying the appropriate patch or patch bundle which resolves the issue. The recommended item will usually be a newer patch that contains an appropriate defect fix. Which patch is recommended is determined by the patching strategy specified in the assessment profile.

Frequently, a single recommendation resolves several related issues. This is especially likely if installing the latest quality pack is recommended. In such a case, all issues resolved by the recommended patch or patch bundle are listed immediately below it.

The assessment profile controls which analyzers are used during the patch assessment. For each issue displayed, the name of the analyzer which identified the issue is included.

(A more detailed patch assessment report, in text format only, can be generated via a link on the assessment results page. This report provides details about the system, the assessment profile, and each analyzer's recommendations, and is ideal for archiving or emailing.)


The following is a list of the issues that may result during a patch assessment.

  • latest quality pack patch bundle P1 is not installed.

    You have specified 'latest quality pack patch bundle' in the assessment profile and quality pack patch bundle P1 is not installed on your system. The recommendation will be P1.

  • latest quality pack patch bundle P1 has patch with critical warning: P2 latest quality pack patch bundle P1 has patch with non-critical warning: P2

    Quality pack patch bundle P1, which is not yet installed on your system but is recommended for installation, contains patch P2 with a warning, either critical or non-critical.

    The recommendation will be a successor of patch P2 which does not have a warning. If the patch strategy specified in the assessment profile is 'innovative', the recommendation will be the 'most recent' patch on the chain. Otherwise, it will be the 'recommended' patch on the chain.

    If no recommendation is made, be sure to review the details of the patch in question to determine if the warning will affect your system once the quality pack patch bundle is installed. Take appropriate action.

  • security patch P1 is not installed

    Patch P1 has been identified as a security patch appropriate for your system; it is not currently installed. If the patch strategy specified in the assessment profile is 'innovative', the recommendation will be the 'most recent' patch on the chain. Otherwise, it will be the 'recommended' patch on the chain.

    In this case, a patch recommendation will always be made. If all patches which resolve this issue have warnings, the best patch with warnings is recommended. In this situation, be sure to review the warnings against the recommended patch and decide if installing the patch is appropriate.

  • installed patch with critical warning: P1 installed patch with non-critical warning: P1

    Patch P1 is currently installed on your system and that patch has a warning, either critical or non-critical.

    The recommendation will be a successor of patch P1 which does not have a warning. If the patch strategy specified in the assessment profile is 'innovative', the recommendation will be the 'most recent' patch on the chain. Otherwise, it will be the 'recommended' patch on the chain.

    If no recommendation is made, be sure to review the details of the patch in question to determine if the warning will affect your system. Take appropriate action.

  • patch P1 containing critical fix is not installed

    You have specified 'critical fixes' in the assessment profile. Patch P1 was identified to contain a critical fix. However, this patch is not installed on your system. If the patch strategy specified in the assessment profile is 'innovative', the recommendation will be the 'most recent' patch on the chain. Otherwise, it will be the 'recommended' patch on the chain.

  • installed patch P1 has successor P2

    You have specified 'updates for the patches already installed' in the assessment profile. Installed patch P1 has been replaced and the best replacement, according to your patch strategy is P2. The recommendation will be P2.

  • candidate patch P1 is not installed

    You have specified 'all applicable patches' in the assessment profile and patch P1 is not installed on your system. The recommendation will be P1.

  • requested patch P1 is not installed

    You have specified in the assessment profile that patch P1 should be installed on this system. However, P1 is not installed. The recommendation will be P1.

  • requested patch P1 is not applicable to this system

    You have specified in the assessment profile that patch P1 should be installed on this system. However, P1 is not applicable to this system. This results because P1 patches filesets which are not installed on this system. There will be no recommendation.

  • requested patch chain P1 is not installed

    You have specified in the assessment profile that patch P1 or one of P1's successors should be installed on this system. However, neither P1 nor any of its successors is installed. If the patch strategy specified in the assessment profile is 'innovative', the recommendation will be the 'most recent' patch on the chain. Otherwise, it will be the 'recommended' patch on the chain.

  • requested patch is unrecognized: P1

    You have specified in the assessment profile that patch P1 should be installed on this system. However, the patch assessment tool does not recognize this patch. There will be no recommendation.

  • requested non-applicable patch P1 is not installed

    You have specified in the assessment profile that patch P1 should be installed on this system. However, P1 is not installed and is not applicable to this system. This results because P1 patches filesets which are not currently installed on this system. The recommendation will be P1.

  • requested patch P1 is not appropriate for the HW/OS

    You have specified in the assessment profile that patch P1 should be installed on this system. However, P1 is not appropriate for this system, because P1 patches a different HW/OS than this system. There will be no recommendation.

  • requested patch P1 is superseded by installed patch P2

    The patch you have explicitly requested in the assessment profile P1 cannot be installed on this system because P2, a later version of that patch, is already installed. There will be no recommendation.
  • patch P1 in set S1 is not installed

    You have specified patch set S1 in your assessment profile. Patch P1 is included in this set. However, neither P1 nor any of its successors is installed on your system. The recommended patch will be P1.

  • no patch set named S1 for S2 strategy found for OS OS1

    You have specified patch set S1 in your assessment profile. Additionally, you have specified patch strategy S2. It was not possible to locate an appropriate patch set for your system, which is running operating system OS1.

  • no patch set named S1 for S2 strategy found for OS OS1 and model M1

    You have specified patch set S1 in your assessment profile. Additionally, you have specified patch strategy S2. It was not possible to locate an appropriate patch set for your system, which is a model M1 running operating system OS1.

  • failed to locate necessary installed file set required for patch set S1 for S2 strategy and OS OS1

    You have specified patch set S1 in your assessment profile. Additionally, you have specified patch strategy S2. It was not possible to locate an appropriate patch set for your system, which is running operating system OS1. This results because this system does not have particular software installed which is required by the patch set.

  • installed patch is unrecognized: P1

    The system configuration file indicates that patch P1 is installed on your system. However, the patch assessment tool does not recognize this patch. If this patch is a special early release patch obtained from HP, be sure to discard any recommended patches which may interfere with this patch.

  • installed patch P1 missing dependent patch P2

    Your system has patch P1 installed, and patch P1 lists patch P2 as a dependency. However, P2 is not installed. This may result for several reasons:

    • Your system may be misconfigured.
    • P2 may have been added as a dependency of P1 after your system was configured, or
    • P2 is not applicable to your system and the patch assessment tool cannot recognize this.

    If the patch strategy specified in the assessment profile is 'innovative', the recommendation will be the 'most recent' patch on the chain. Otherwise, it will be the 'recommended' patch on the chain.

    In this case, a patch recommendation will always be made. If all patches which resolve this issue have warnings, the best patch with warnings will be recommended. In this situation, be sure to review the warnings against the recommended patch and decide if installing the patch is appropriate.

    If this issue arises because patch P2 is not applicable to your system, the software distributor tool 'swinstall' may not allow you to install the recommendation.


Frequently, a recommended patch requires another patch as a dependency. If the dependent patch is not already installed and it does not resolve other patch issues, it will be listed in the additional dependencies table.

Occasionally, the only patch that satisfies a dependency will have a warning. In this case, review the warning prior to adding the patch to the download list. If you decide not to take delivery of the dependent patch, you will have to deselect the recommended patch as well.

Conflict Resolution

When two issues are emitted during a patch assessment that involve related patches (one is a successor of the other), it is possible that their recommendations may conflict. In this case, the most recent of the recommendations will be used to resolve both issues.

Unresolved Issues

Frequently the patch assessment tool will identify issues with your system for which no recommendation is made. The recommendations made by the system depend on your specified patching strategy. Frequently, there is no patch with sufficient rating for your specified strategy that resolves the issue. In this situation, you should review the issue and make an appropriate decision.

HP-UX Patches - Advisory Notices

Effective November 28th, 2007, HP-UX patches may include additional text called Advisory Notices that will be used to call attention to defects with certain characteristics that customers may want to search the HPE Support Center database for. The new phrases will be included in the details section of some patches that bear the CRITICAL flag. There are two forms of advisories:

Advisory notice typeIncluded if the defect repaired by this patch has the following characteristics
Manual Recovery Required
  • A system resource, such as a device, memory, partition, or subsystem becomes unusable or unavailable.
  • The resource is still not available even after normal remedies or workarounds have been employed. These remedies may include shutting down and restarting the application, shutting down and restarting the system, Serviceguard local switch and/or Serviceguard failover.
  • The resource is made available again only through manual intervention to change configuration, correct data corruption, reinstall software, or similar recovery steps.
Serviceguard Cluster Issue

A software defect that prevents Serviceguard from:

  • Recognizing an unresponsive system and thus preventing the normal failover from occurring.
  • Completing a normal failover.
  • Correctly handling a local switch thus rendering the network redundancy.

HP-UX 11i Version 2 September 2004

For Itanium-based systems and PA-RISC servers

HP-UX 11i version 2 (B.11.23), originally released in September of 2003 for Itanium-based systems, includes support for the HP 9000 PA-RISC server family. For this update, HPE will ship HP-UX 11i v2 software for the Itanium-based and PA-RISC architectures on the same DVD media, which will have the date of September 2004. During installation, it will automatically determine which software to load.

HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 provides new functionality to both HP 9000 and Itanium-based systems, most notably 128-way scalability. You can find details regarding this new functionality and a complete list of systems supported on HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 in the HP-UX 11i v2 Release Notes for September 2004 (part number 5990-8153).

HPE's recommendation for updating to HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004

While HPE will support Itanium-based systems running earlier versions of HP-UX 11i v2, HPE strongly recommends all current HP-UX 11i v2 customers proactively plan to update to HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 during their next maintenance window. After the release of HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004, all future products and patches for HP-UX 11i v2 will be created and tested utilizing this release. Individual patches and patch bundles released from September 2004 forward will require that HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 or a later version of HP-UX 11i v2 be installed.

Note: To avoid kernel build failures, please read the information in the following two boxes prior to updating to HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004.

Prior to updating from an earlier version of HP-UX 11i v2 or HP-UX 11i v1.6 (B.11.22) to HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004, you MUST first load the August 2004 version of BUNDLE11i. The August version of BUNDLE11i can be loaded from the DVD that was sent to all customers on support, or can be obtained from the HPE Support Center as follows.

  1. Go to HPE Support Center
  2. If you are not already registered, do so now by selecting 'register now'.
  3. Select 'HP-UX patch bundles', and then select 'Aug '04'.
  4. Select either the HP-UX 11i v2 or the HP-UX 11i v1.6 version of BUNDLE11i.
  5. Select 'bundle readme' from the gray box to view the Readme file, then print the file as it contains important instructions for installing this bundle. Then press 'back' to return to the BUNDLE11i page.
  6. Select 'add to my patch list'.
  7. Select 'download selected' and follow the instructions to download the August 2004 version of BUNDLE11i.
  8. Follow the instructions in the Readme file for the August 2004 version of BUNDLE11i (that you printed out in step 6 above) regarding how to install this bundle.

If you cold install HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004, or update from HP-UX 11i v1 (B.11.11) to HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004, you do not need to load the August 2004 version of BUNDLE11i.

Important Note: Updating HP-UX 11i v2 Systems with the PCI-MUX Software Installed

Prior to updating from HP-UX 11i v2 to HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 on a system that has revision B.11.23.01 of the PCI-MUX software installed, you must first update the PCI-MUX software to revision B. or later. This version of the PCI-MUX software may be obtained from the HP-UX 11i v2 media released in September 2004 or later. Failure to update the PCI-MUX software will result in the following kernel build failure during the update to HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004:

ld: Unsatisfied protected symbol 'forceclose' infile '/usr/conf/lib/libpci_mux.a[eqnx_bus_pci_mux.o]'

How to get the September 2004 media

Customers with an older release of HP-UX 11i v2 who have an HPE support contract should have received a letter with instructions on how to request the HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 media as part of their support service. Support customers also should have received the media containing the August 2004 version of BUNDLE11i directly, and this media should be loaded prior to updating systems to HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004. See the 'Important Note' on the previous page for more details. If you are a support customer and have not received the HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 media and the media with the August 2004 version of BUNDLE11i, please contact your HPE support representative.

Customers with an older release of HP-UX 11i v2 who do not have a support contract with HPE can obtain the HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 media and the media with the August 2004 version of BUNDLE11i by calling the local HPE sales office and doing one of two things:

  • purchase a support contract so that you receive this update to HP-UX 11i v2 as well as future updates.
  • request the name of an HPE Reseller in your area with expertise in HP-UX who will sell you the HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 media.

Part numbers for the HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 media, plus the media containing the August 2004 version of BUNDLE11i, are as follows:

  1. 5013-3260 DVD with the August 2004 version of BUNDLE11i
  2. 5013-2296 DVD for HP-UX 11i v2 Foundation OE, September 2004
  3. 5013-2298 DVD for HP-UX 11i v2 Enterprise OE, September 2004
  4. 5013-2299 DVD for HP-UX 11i v2 Mission Critical OE, September 2004
  5. 5013-2300 DVD for HP-UX 11i v2 Minimum Technical OE, September 2004
  6. 5013-2297 DVD for HP-UX 11i v2 Technical Computing OE, September 2004

Run a patch assessment on your HP-UX 11i v2 system

If you use the HPE Support Center to analyze an HP-UX 11i v2 system, the analysis will only complete if you have updated to HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 or later. If you have a version of HP-UX 11i v2 released earlier than September 2004, you will need to first update your system prior to doing a patch assessment.

To determine if HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 or later is installed on your system, use the following swlist command to check the version of BUNDLE11i:

The version of BUNDLE11i should be B.11.23.0409.3. If version B.11.23.0408.1 is on your system, you will still need to load HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004.

Customers who already have HP-UX 11i v2 on their system but need to update to HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 can obtain the media needed by following the instructions in the section labelled 'Obtaining the HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 media.'

Download individual HP-UX 11i v2 patches

Part of the HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 release is delivered via patches, and these patches are designated as 'required' patches at the HPE Support Center. If you attempt to download one of these required patches individually from the HPE Support Center, you will be given the following warning:

'Any patch that is designated as a 'required' patch should not be downloaded and/or installed individually. Instead, your system should be updated to at least the September 2004 quarterly release of HP-UX 11i Version 2 (B.11.23) which will include the patch you have selected.'

If this message appears, you can determine if HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 or later is installed by checking the version of BUNDLE11i on your system with the following swlist command:

swlist -l bundle | grep BUNDLE11i

The version of BUNDLE11i should be B.11.23.0409.3. If version B.11.23.0408.1 is on your system, you will still need to load HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004. See the 'Obtaining the HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 media' section for details on obtaining media if needed, and also read the important notes in the two text boxes contained in this document prior to updating to HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004. Note that once HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 or later has been loaded, it will include the patch you initially tried to select at the HPE Support Center. The patch redirected you to this web page. There should be no further need to load this particular patch once HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 or later is loaded.

Patch Set Definitions

Patch sets are groups of patches that should be installed to support common HPE products and sub-systems. Not all patch sets are available for all versions of HP-UX. If there is no version of a specific patch set for your version of HP-UX, it is most likely because no patch set is needed to support the product or subsystem on that HP-UX version.

While patch sets are added and modified on a regular basis, the tables in the sections below show the current patch sets available.

Word or expressionDefinition
LVMLogical Volume Manager - Software designed to manage your physical disk space
MIRRORINGA product used to make a duplicate copy of the data
PREDICTIVEA product designed to alert HPE when hardware problems are found on the system
SERVICE GUARDAn HPE product designed to move applications to another system in the event of failure
TRUSTED SYSTEMSetting your system up with an enhanced level of security (C2 Security)
SECURITYAny patches needed to be sure that products are protected from unauthorized access
ACL'sAccess Control Lists - Offers a greater degree of selective permission to access files
MEASUREWARE/OVPAAn HPE tool used to monitor system performance over an extended period of time. Measureware/OpenView Performance Agent collects information needed to understand how well IT resources are performing and how they are being used. Measureware/OpenView Performance Agent collects data from processes, applications and the operating system. It can also collect transactions data and data from Data Source Integration (DSI)
PERFVIEW/OVPMPerfview/OpenView Performance Manager provides information needed to understand how well IT resources are performing and how they are being used. Perfview/OpenView Performance Manager presents the information collected by Measureware/OpenView Performance Agent in a graphical format. Perfview/OpenView Performance Manager is able to connect to Measureware/OpenView Performance Agent running on remote systems
PRMHPE Process Resource Manager - a resource management tool used to control the amount of resources that processes use during peak system load (at 100% CPU, memory, or disk bandwidth utilization). HPE PRM was formerly called the Fair Share Scheduler (FSS)
IDS/9000HPE Intrusion Detection System - provides customers with host-based network-based surveillance against inappropriate system usage that is characteristic of hacker break-in attempts, subversive inside activities, and virus propagation
STMSupport Tool Manager - a collection of tools to help keep HPE systems running at peak performance by providing predictive and preventative maintenance diagnostics for HPE hardware
IGNITE-UXA client-server application supplied with HP-UX that provides the ability to configure and install HP-UX systems. It replaces the existing HP-UX Install program (also known as Cold Install). Ignite-UX supports all HP-UX releases starting with 10.01
iCODinstant Capacity On Demand - HPE software product that provides the ability to increase or decrease processor capacity instantly on specific enterprise servers
VxVMVERITAS Volume Manager product for HP-UX. It is an alternative to the HP Logical Volume Manager and HP MirrorDisk/UX products. This product is available beginning at the 11.11 Operating System
HP Insight Remote SupportAn HPE Services remote support platform which provides incident notification, tracking, workflow routing and remote troubleshooting of system faults detected on HP-UX servers running 11i and greater.
vParHP-UX Virtual Partitions enables you to partition one HP 9000 server into multiple virtual machines. Multiple instances of HP-UX 11i can be run simultaneously on a single HP 9000 server. A virtual partition runs an 'instance' of HP-UX 11i, which hosts its own applications, and is assigned its own subset of CPUs, memory, and I/O. Each virtual partition can be a different version of HP-UX 11i and have different patches.
SecurePathA multi-path, high availability software that manages and maintains continuous data access to HPE storage systems enabling no-single-point-of-failure (NSPoF) from server to storage.
InterruptMigrationThe process of moving external I/O device interrupts from one CPU to another and enabling or disabling CPUs to handle interrupts used for system performance-tuning.
Backup method
Word or expressionDefinition
FBACKUPA command used to selectively back up files
CPIOCopy file archives in and out
FTIOTool used to copy files to 9 track magnetic tape drive (faster tape I/O)
TARTape file archiver - Saves and restores archives of files on tape, disk or regular file
DDConvert, re-block, translate, and copy a (tape) file
OMNIBACK/SERVERAn HPE product used to schedule and manage backups to multiple storage devices and optional multiple systems
DATA PROTECTORA backup solution that provides reliable data protection and high accessibility for your fast growing business data. Data Protector offers comprehensive backup and restore functionality
OMNISTORAGEHierarchical Storage Management solution, using magnetic & optical disk libraries
Veritas NetBackupA heterogeneous backup and recovery solution designed to help reduce administration and hardware costs, by taking advantage of enterprise strength features, such as high performance synthetics, disk-based data protection, automated-disaster recovery, and desktop and laptop protection
Word or expressionDefinition
CD_ROMCompact Disk Read Only Memory media
OPTICAL CHANGERMagneto Optical Jukebox - A device made up of an autochanger and two disk drives. (Library of disk/CD media)
DLTDigital Linear Tape Autoloader
AUTOCHANGERA mass storage device made up of one or two drives, tape media and a mechanical changer. (Library of tape media)
AUTORAIDDisk array manufactured by HP
PC FLOPPYFloppy media
DDSDigital Data Storage
DVDDigital Video Disk
Miscellaneous hardware
Word or expressionDefinition
FW SCSIFast Wide Small Computer System Interface device driver - used to connect computers and peripheral devices
SE SCSISingle Ended Small Computer System Interface device driver - used to connect computers and peripheral devices
ULTRASCSIPerformance Enhanced SCSI device driver with limited cable lengths (mainly used on workstations)
FIBRE CHANNEL FOR MASS STORAGEFast means of transporting existing protocols (mass storage = tapes and disk arrays)
DISK ARRAY A group of disks (storage devices) used to store data spanning all devices. Connectivity: SCSI or FC/MS. **Remember to patch the appropriate interfaces, e.g. SCSI, FC
EMC ARRAYA group of disks (storage devices) manufactured by EMC
XP Disk ArraysThe XP Disk Array Products includes XP256, XP512, and XP48. The XP256 and XP512 are highly available, cost-effective, multi-platform high-end disk arrays for moderate-to-high growth capacity environments and ultra-high performance application environments. The XP48 is based on the same technology but in a more compact package.
FC60 Disk ArrayThe FC60 is a mid-end disk array designed to deliver a large volume of high-performance, high-availability disk storage at an extremely affordable price, and combines the best of Fibre Channel speed, RAID protection, and multi-drive capacity
Virtual ArrayAn array product that utilizes AutoRaid Technology. These are high performance, high availability disk arrays for business-critical applications for HP-UX, Linux and Windows NT and Windows 2000 systems. All modules front and rear are hot pluggable. VA7400 includes the main and add-on chassis while VA7100 includes only 1 chassis.
EVA - Enterprise Virtual ArrayEVA is a high performance, high capacity and high availability 'virtual' RAID storage solution that is designed for the datacenter with features that include improved storage utilization, scalability, high transaction I/O and MB data rate performance, seamless capacity expansion, instantaneous replication and simplified storage administration.
File systems
Word or expressionDefinition
HFSHigh performance File System resides on mass storage devices
JFSJournal File System (Vxfs) extent based journaled file system
ADVANCED JFSAdvanced Journal File System allows for online administration (purchased product)
JFS V3.3

3.3 version of JFS that includes fast file system recovery, no-panic error limits on disk and file system failures, extent-based allocation of disk space to files, support for up to 128GB files and file systems, quota capabilities for controlling strategic resources, and support for Access Control Lists (ACLs) security.

To check if the JFS 3.3 product is installed, run:

swlist -l fileset JFS

If installed, the output will include the following:

  • JFS 3.3 JFS 3.3 base filesystem
  • JFS.JFS-BASE-KRN 3.3 JFS 3.3 filesystem commands
  • JFS.JFS-BASE2-KRN 3.3 JFS 3.3 filesystem kernel libraries - 32 bit
  • JFS.JFS-ENG-A-MAN 3.3 JFS 3.3 filesystem man pages

AdvanceJFS V3.3 - JFS 3.3 with additional online features that include:

  • file system resizing
  • snapshot support for common backup utilities
  • file defragmentation
  • directory optimization
  • discovered direct I/O
  • support for standard DMAPI
  • high integration with other VERITAS storage management applications
  • enablers for non-HPE VERITAS Edition functionalities such as Quick I/O.

The major difference in JFS 3.3 and AdvanceJFS 3.3 from previous HP-UX versions is that they are the same binary file. AdvanceJFS 3.3 is a code-restricted subset of JFS.

JFS 3.5The VERITAS File System 3.5 (HPE OnlineJFS/JFS 3.5) product is an extent-based, intent-logging file system. This product is particularly geared toward UNIX environments that require high performance and availability, and that deal with large volumes of data.
NFSNetwork File Services - remote file systems accessible over a network
PFSPortable File System - software that allows access to Rockridge formatted CDs
Networking hardware
Word or expressionDefinition
FDDIFiber Optic Distributed Data Interface-fast network interconnect
100BASETStandardized 100 megabit/sec ethernet
DTCsDatacommunication and Terminal Controller
100VGTechnology used for transmitting ethernet frame technology @ 100Mbps, which supports network design rules and topologies of Ethernet 10BaseT networks.
ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode - A high-speed cell-switching technology for LANS and WANS that carries data and 'real time' voice and video.
1000BaseSX/TXThe Gigabit Ethernet intelligent adapters are designed to maximize server CPU efficiency with advanced features such as protocol offloading through on-board TCP, UDP, and IP checksum calculations and optional jumbo frame support (9000 byte maximum transfer unit, MTU) for improved efficiency and performance with bulk data transfer.
HYPERFABRICA high speed interconnect enabling nodes to communicate at up to 160MBytes/second in each direction. It consists of host-based interface cards and fast switches with copper connectors.
Networking software
Word or expressionDefinition
LAN ManagerLocal Area Network Manager A purchasable product used to map Microsoft Drives to HPUX in order to access NT/Windows disks from HPUX.
DNSDomain Named System A distributed database
NISNetwork Information Service Network lookup services which allows you to administer databases from one node on the network.
ETHERNET10BaseT connection
TOKEN RINGComplete link connection to a token ring network including hardware and transport software.
NETWARE/9000A network Operating System developed by Novell, Inc.
X.25Wide area network technology providing high-speed connections to remote sites, using packet-switching networks.
ACC/9000Advanced Communication Controller. A family of WAN products that support high throughput and high connectivity networks.
OTS/9000OSI Transport Services. A networking implementation by HPE that provides a platform for various OSI applications (OSI = Open Systems Interconnections).
SNASystem Network Architecture. An IBM emulation software product
APAAuto Port Aggregation. HPE APA is a networking software package that bundles two, three, or four physical ports together to function as one logical port or trunk.
NIS+Network Information Service Plus allows you to maintain configuration information for many hosts in a set of distributed databases. It allows these databases to be read or modified from any host in the network, and it also allows for common configuration information to be stored and maintained in a single location and propagated to all of the hosts within that network
Word or expressionDefinition
ELMElectronic Mail Processing System
MAILXInteractive Message Processing System
OPENMAILHPE Client/Server communication and messaging system
SENDMAILSend mail over the Internet - used only to deliver pre-formatted messages
Lan services
Word or expressionDefinition
FTPFile Transfer Program-copies files over a network connection
TELNETUser interface to the Telnet protocol
RLOGINRemote Login Connects your terminal to a remote host
UUCPUnix system to Unix system copy
REMSHExecute from a remote shell

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Word or expressionDefinition
NETWORK NODE MANAGERThe HPE network management software package
IT/OPERATIONSThe HPE distributed Client/Server software solution for disperse IT environments

HPE OpenView Service Assurance allows you to collect, consolidate, correlate, associate, filter and report on all the elements in your infrastructure, generating real-time alert, event and alarm information so you can proactively manage - from end-to-end - all the critical elements of your service environment.

Graphical interfaces

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Word or expressionDefinition
X/MOTIFWindow Manager A program that controls the size, placement and operation of windows on the workspace
VUEVisual User Environment A graphical user interface to HP-UX
CDECommon Desktop Environment A graphical user interface to HP-UX
Word or expressionDefinition
JAVA1.2Java version 1.2
JAVA1.3Java version 1.3
JAVA1.4Java version 1.4
JAVA5.0Java version 5.0
JAVA6.0Java version 6.0
Word or expressionDefinition
SHBourne Shell
KSHKorn Shell
CSHC Shell
POSIXConformant command programming language

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Print manager
Word or expressionDefinition
LP SPOOLERLine Printer Spooler Utilities and commands that control print requests of a user.
OPENSPOOLManagement system for print functions
DPSDistributed Print Services-provides a standards based print spooling service.
TPSTechnical Print Service 11.X print spooling service
DAZEL PRINT SERVERThe Dazel Output Server is from the Dazel Corporation, an HPE Software Company. It creates an information-delivery infrastructure across the entire enterprise so that business-critical output flows efficiently and can be easily managed regardless of the business application running; the platform supported; or the number of sites, recipients or output devices involved. It is a recommended replacement for OpenSpool for enterprise environment.

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HA meter

Hp Unix Patch

Word or expressionDefinition
HA Meter AgentA support tool that collects, stores, and computes the aggregate availability of a customer's mission critical systems, including ServiceGuard clusters, nodes and packages. This system archives the information on the server for later reporting.
HA Meter Agent w/EMSSame as HA Meter Agent, but also includes Event Monitoring Services (EMS). EMS allows you to monitor the operation of a wide variety of hardware products and be alerted immediately if any failure or other unusual event occurs.